Tuesday 18 July 2017

What happens when Lava meets ocean


What happens when Lava meets ocean?

For specifically lava flowing into water, the water would possibly evaporate a bit once the lava nears surface, as lava gives off an outstanding quantity of heat, being measured at upwards of 700 degrees c. Considering the fact that lava usually flows slowly, this gives a bit of time for the water to evaporate as it nears.
Water can cool the floor of a lava go with the flow extra successfully than can air, so lava flowing in water develops a solidified skin very unexpectedly. However, when the crust reaches slight thickness, it insulates the lava go with the flow interior just as properly because it does in air.
Hawaii and other island volcanoesare in a steady competition for the freshest, most up-to-date rock round. Whilst the lava meets the ocean, it cools speedy while boiling the ocean into steam. This consequences in a specific texture: the quenching produces a glassy outer surface from the lava cooling too quickly for crystal shape to develop. This insulates the inner of the globs, trapping any dissolved gasoline as bubbles and permitting internal microcrystal growth from the slightly slower cooling charge.